Stuart Mannering The 13th International Congress of the Immunology of Diabetes Society 2013

Stuart Mannering

Stuart Mannering received his PhD from the University of Otago, New Zealand, for work on human T-cell responses to tumour antigens in chronic myeloid leukemia. He undertook postdoctoral training in Australia at the University of Melbourne. In 2001 he started working on type 1 diabetes at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI). His work has focused on human T-cell responses to beta-cell antigens, specifically developing new assays to detect beta-cell antigen specific T-cell responses in the PBMC and defining new epitopes, particularly those formed by posttranslational modification. In 2008 he established a group at St. Vincent’s Institute (SVI) in Melbourne, Australia. At SVI his lab is working on the analysis of T-cell clones from the islets of deceased organ donors who suffered from type 1 diabetes.

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