Poster Presentation The 13th International Congress of the Immunology of Diabetes Society 2013

Investigation of  Slc16a10’s role in immune cell function and autoimmune diabetes (#140)

May Alsayb 1 , Colleen Elso 1 , Tom Brodnicki 1
  1. st. vincent institute, Fitzroy, VIC, Australia

The metabolic demands of immune cells are increased during an immune response. In particular, increased uptake of amino acids is required for increased protein synthesis in activated immune cells.  We have recently established a novel mouse strain in which a transposon insertion disrupts expression of Slc16a10 in autoimmune-prone NOD mice (NOD.Slc16a10sb/sb).  Slc16a10 encodes the uniporter TAT1 protein that facilitates the diffusion of aromatic amino acids across the cell membrane in the kidney, small intestine and liver epithelial cells. Slc16a10 expression is also detected in lymphoid tissues and immune cells, but the importance of this gene for aromatic amino acid uptake has not previously been investigated in the immune system.  NOD.Slc16a10sb/sb mice are viable, fertile and exhibit no gross abnormalities by 100 days of age.  However, preliminary results indicate an accelerated diabetes onset in NOD.Slc16a10sb/sb mice. Ongoing studies of NOD.Slc16a10sb/sb mice are focused on measuring immune cell levels and amino acid uptake, functional analyses of immune cell subsets, and monitoring the development of autoimmune diabetes.  These studies should determine if Slc16a10 has an important role in the immune system and autoimmunity.